Friday, May 4, 2012

A Poem to an Unchangeable Maple by Martin Hicks

The Sugar Maple

It stood straight in provincial park

Amongst the many in such stand,

Protected from both axe and spark.

Law-legislated place Crown land.

Yes decades maple had reared tall

Halfway up slope to rocky crest

All Spring and summer, into fall,

And lasted winter with bold best.

The others varied hue through year

But its odd yellow stayed tint same

So legend claimed, and did appear

As up rough rutted road car came.

We paused and noted heart on bole

Carved deeply midway into bark,

Yet healthy was the steadfast whole

With target left on, scores off-mark.

Here, too, was seen its cabled roots

Beneath one side to wind exposed

Not far away from climbing boots.

Above limbs challenges proposed.

We noticed screwed in wood a tap

Where pail in season no doubt hung

When syrup oozed out golden sap

For visit of the grade school young.

Eyes studied most though single tone

Contrasting green of August change,

Thought singular boughs spread alone

Shade constant in one colour strange.

-Martin Hicks

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