Thursday, January 19, 2017

Sandra Brown Describes Winter Flyers

Delivering Flyers and Singing
by Sandra Brown.
I have two flyer routes. There's no real point to this except that this is a slice of life. There are a lot of folks delivering flyers today. I have 125 houses in probably the hilliest part of Port Arthur, lots of steps up to houses. It’s a bone cracking cold, frost bite on my toes and a red nose that might fall off kinda day - especially after that wind kicks in.

It takes me about 2 - 3 hours of walking every Thursday. I move slower when there is ice (Paul Pugh the city sidewalks are great - say thanks for me to the workers). People's sidewalks and stairs - not as good. I fell 5 times last year - no injuries but I am now not in a rush. And I bought some diamond level Yaktraks. Lifesavers those.

At 70 I might just be the oldest flyer delivery person in town. It's been a couple of years now. It started because I retired from a desk job and just could not seem to get off my butt. I needed an exercise plan that would not allow procrastination, lethargy and Asian Dramas to deter me. Hence flyer routes. I have done these many times over the years when we or the kids needed some quick cash. Rodney Brown and I did one in Vancouver on a vacation. Talk about hills! And rain.

I take my Walkman and sing and dance and stretch up and down these hills and stairs. I have singing lessons on my Walkman (Tara O'Brien, Donna Diamond, Rose Anne Archibald, Christine Simard-Chicago.) It is one of the benefits of getting older and knowing who you are and not feeling like you have to worry about what people think. There is a part of life that is just theatre.

A lot of the people on the route have become friends of sorts. The postie today asked me if I was enjoying myself and we chatted. I have taken grand-daughter Aesha Ito Kyoko Ito on route with me and introduced her to some of the folks. With this chatting, some people have become aware that I collect clothes for the north so they put out bags for me with a note. (I have 8 bags of clothes and bedding in my car right now that I am willing to deliver if someone wants them).

In general I get to know the neighbours and their ailments, their travels and their families. I actually know of one diligent postie who was able to spot a case of identity theft by just knowing the people on his route. There are already many stories that make up this larger neighbourhood and for that reason I enjoy the routes. In general, despite the sorrows in the world, despite the inequities and the challenges, we are alive because we love the moments we are in.

And today I got a tip. I was at the end of my frigid route and there was a neighbour waiting for me. "Happy New Year" came with 2 slices of processed cheese, a banana, a Diet 7 and a great big smile. My bones mended; my toes and nose thawed and I smiled back! Life is good.

And then I look out my second floor window. Some bird pooped and the wind planted it (splat) on my window. I will procrastinate on that cleaning - at least till spring. Maybe some strong wind/rain event will do the job for me. lol
A Car Full to Go

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