Thursday, September 25, 2008


A valuable service, previously available only to NOWW (Northwestern Ontario Writers' Workshop) members is now open to the general public thanks to a grant from the Ontario Arts Council.

A Critique Service. You can now submit your manuscript for a critique from a NOWW reviewer for a small charge. Reviewers provide comments and advice on how to improve your writing. They are encouraging but honest. Fees range from $22.50 to $30, a steal when you consider that similar critique services can run $100 or more. Blue Pencil will accept memoir, short story, novel excerpt, poetry or non-fiction up to 5000 words (or 100 lines in the case of poetry).

Submitting writers and reviewers remain anonymous from each other.

Rules for Submission of Manuscripts. Please print and keep.

1. Manuscripts must be printed in 12 pt type, white paper, double spaced.
2.A cheque payable to NOWW must accompany each submission.
3. A stamped self addressed envelope must accompany the submission.
4. A separate cover page must include writer's name, address, phone number, e-mail if available, the title of the piece, genre and a word count. (line count for poetry)
5. Manuscripts should have headers with title and page number but no identifying marks.
6. If you have specific questions, write them at the end of your manuscript.
7. Only one submission at a time.
8. Maximum word count is 5000

Fees for NOWW members - up to 1000 words, $15. From 1001 to 2500, $20. From 2501-5000, $30. Poetry is $20.

Fees for non members - up to 1000 words $22.50. From 1001 to 2500, #30. from 2501 words to 5000, $45. Poetry is $30.

Send your submission to
Blue Pencil Annonymous
c/o 358 McIntyre St.
Thunder Bay, ON, P7A 3C1

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