Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September 2019
with Gary Barwin
(Thunder Bay and Kenora)
Workshop Description

Writing is a dance between finding the words to say what you want and letting words magic the world of the text into being. In this lively and interactive writing workshop, we’ll explore these questions:

What is “voice”—your voice, the voice of the narrator, the voice of characters within a text?

How does word choice, sentence structure and overall flow affect or express the particular world of the story or the sensibility of its characters or narrator?

What is the right rhythm for what you want to say?

How can rhythm be a source of thought?

How does sentence length affect the flow of thought, create the texture of the world, (re)create the sound and sense of the sensibility of the narrator or their world?

What are ways to explore a wide range of different approaches to creating voice in both fiction and poetry?

And one final question: Will we try a whole bunch of different writing activities?
Answer: yes. 

Thunder Bay
When:    Saturday September 14, 2019
Where:   Mary J L Black Library
Time:      10 am to 4 pm (with  1/2 hour lunch break)
Registration: required:  
Price:   $10. for NOWW members 
                                           $40. for non-members (includes one year membership with NOWW)

The Thunder Bay workshop is now full. If you are interested your name can be added to the waitlist.  Just contact admin@nowwwriters.ca and ask to be put on the list. 

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