Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Letter from Northwestern Ontario Writers Workshop

Great news. If you are not a member of NOWW, this letter might make you want to join. Such. great organization.  Joan M. Baril.

Happy Friday NOWW Members,

I’m writing to share some wonderful news and offer some reminders about upcoming NOWW events that I think may interest you.

1)    This upcoming Wednesday, the 23rd, we will be hosting our second Write-In Wednesday gathering. We will be at Seattle Coffeehouse in Thunder Bay from 7-9 PM. This is a low-key, relaxing kind of event. It’s an opportunity to chat with other writers and work on your own writing projects. There’s no agenda, no expectations, no projects – just a time to gather and write with new friends. If you’re not sure what to write, we will have some writing prompts on hand. We hope to see you there!

2)    Marion Agnew is hosting a workshop at Waverley Library on Saturday, October 26th from 1-4:30 PM. Her topic is Creative Nonfiction and the workshop is described as: 

“’Creative nonfiction’ is an umbrella term that offers writers many opportunities to make choices. Whatever you’re writing – your life story for your grandchildren to keep, the history of European architecture in the 1990s, a scientific treatise on the role of insects in combating climate change, brief descriptive scenes from your daily life, or anything else = you’re welcome at this workshop. Through discussion and practice, workshop participants will look at how choices in form can support and amplify their purpose, how to think about the kinds of research that might help them, and how to gain the perspective you need to revise content you know well.”

Pre-registration is required which can be done on our website at:

3)    NOWW is thrilled to announce that we have partnered with The Walleye magazine to publish NOWW writers previously unpublished work in “The Beat” section of their magazine. Your work, if chosen by The Walleye, will be paid upon publication. What an excellent opportunity to professionalize your work and be compensated as a writer!

As a NOWW member, you are being provided with this opportunity to have your work published and distributed throughout the region. To read the guidelines and to learn how and where to submit your work, please email Don at and he will get you started on your journey towards publication. Good luck members!

4)    Lastly, our first Peer-to-Peer Review commences this November 1st! This is an opportunity to receive feedback on your own work and provide feedback on another member’s work. Take some time to review the guidelines posted on our website at:

We look forward to receiving your submissions and to facilitate the review process to help you grow as writers. Wishing you all the very best!

Take care and happy writing,

Jodene Wylie
NOWW President

Don Parsons
NOWW Administrator

Box 425, 1100 Memorial Ave.,
Thunder Bay, ON
P7B 4A3

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