Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Off with the novels, Bring on the stories.

Sometimes, when I finish a good novel, I do not want to start another.  My addiction to short stories kicks in.  Alice (the great) Munro can slake that thirst as can William Trevor but this week I am working through a pile of old New Yorker magazines kindly saved for me by a friend's mother.  Each mag gives me a great short story.

 I love to get my  magazines in the mail, each one a surprise arranged by me.  I can't subscribe to all the marvelous lit mags out there, so I let the subs drop when they run out and send in the card for a different magazine.  Right now I get a Canadian group: Room, Other Voices, Prairie Fire and Event  as well as a couple of  Americans: The Story Teller and Glimmertrain. I love The New Quarterly, probably the top Canadian lit mag,  and I'll pick it up again.  I buy the Artery locally and usually pick up Canadian Stories when I see it at Chapters.And there is the NOWW magazine, 807, available to members.  What an addiction!

The new issue of Room sits beside the bed and a great issue it is.  The story Ghosting by M. E. Powell had me holding my breath.  Adrianne Kalfoupolou's story, April the Cruelest Month, uses the Demeter and Persephone myth as a thread winding through the tale.  And the wonderful story called Mandy Raeburn by Kimberley Fehr slid smoothly along to its bitter end. 

Reading a good story is like opening a present and finding all one's life inside.

Thanks to all the lit mags that keep my addiction flourishing.

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